2020 I’m ready to ROCK WITH YOU!......And  NOW FOR MY NEXT ACT!

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2020 I’m ready to ROCK WITH YOU!......And NOW FOR MY NEXT ACT!

2020 I’m ready to ROCK WITH YOU!......And  NOW FOR MY NEXT ACT! 

As we bring this 2019 chapter to a closing and some of us may even have a book......Let us calm down from the Christmas anxiety, take a deep breath and Reflect on the Brilliance, the Service, and lessons learned...Let’s not to stay stuck there in a pity party, but learn the lesson and now let’s move on....IT’s time for a New DECADE!!!!!



Time to let go of all the things that simply don't match who you truly are. That means, drop all the trash and drama that doesn't even matter, that we only hold onto get approval from our friends.  That also means shed the dead weight that hurts your back, and Go Fiercely and Bolding into this new season, New Decade, Reaching New Heights, Beyond it all!  TO THE HEAVENS!


Someone asked me…..

Why not be that Fierce and Bold about this new decade we are about to embark upon?  Surely, I can relate, from being able to reflect on the growth and awareness I have had this year. You see, 2019 I expierence to be a very encumbering year.  2019 made me sit down and take a closer look at everything that truly matters.  Mostly, of course, I'm even more gracious to make it "Through the Fire," like a Chaka Khan song. 


The story goes like this…..Thanks to God and my prayer warrior family, the fire didn't even touch my house, yet I feel much empathy for the next door neighbor who didn't have the same luck.  In fact, the burn is still in my view when I open the front door and do yoga in my room.  No more beautiful Morning Glories and gardens of flowers, just burned branches that only go to the surface end, leaving my mom’s fruit trees intact.  At first the view scared me and made me feel upset emotionally almost suffocating, only having a view of my neighbor’s burned down property.  It was even hard to feel blessed as I would walk out my door, because I was forced to face what could've happened instead of the ego driven, "Glad it didn't happen to me," mentality we have these days. Or, maybe I just have a innate compassion for human kind and animals, like my neighbor. I truly believe we are all connected, whether we like it or not.  Especially when you community has to run from a fire, not even giving time to drive off the hill. Just leave everything and go;) 


However the Wake up Call, THE MIND FRAME OPENER, and Aha! momment for all ages, was that 2019 was filled with lessons that taught me to see so vividly, "Look at what could've of happened, but it didn't?" and that is called Wisdom.


That is why I am so gracious, and excited about the 2020 NEW Decade, A New Year, a New You because when Wisdom sits you down and says, "Look at what could've happened, but it didn't?"  You are actually forced to face your self, the man in mirror, face your truth and Face the FIRE inside and then……… Guess what………. RELAX!

Now will you finally accept yourself, YOU ARE SO BLESSED and GIFTED! Just relax! You'll probably get there faster if you would just relax, Let go! and Let GOD!  Like a Drake song, Go with God's PLAN! He obviously has your back!



My Friend, I want you to know that no matter what your storm you have endured in 2019, whether physical, mental, spiritual, Love life, or financial You have overcome!! And the Storm is OVER!!!!!!


2020 here we come!  Bolder, Smarter, Wiser, some of us taller, but mostly more confident and wholly self assured of who we truly are, More Than Conquerors.


Now time to walk in the flow of your Magnificence!!!  No more putting our fear of ourselves in our way, filling our heads with what if's and doubts that don't even matter and don't even happen, but just keeps you from making any moves at all.  When you go through the fire, you surely do learn that you got to know when it's time to get your dreams off the ground, and not let life take that choice of will power and belief in Faith away from you. Natural disasters are not respecter of persons, and neither is God, He's just, and the creator of the Universe. He gives us His power and gifts, as long we stay open to receive it. 


So surely, 2020 this is our year. To Begin again and get back on the WIN WIN TEAM!  Where you always belonged and that is just the truth;)  MY Motto for 2019 was:  2019 Happy New year! Live your own adventure! Your Presence alone is a Gift!


I guess I should make 2020 be : 

2020 I’m ready to ROCK WITH YOU!   And NOW FOR MY NEXT ACT!  



That’s reminds me……The Dream it! Do it! Danigirl! Estore will be doing a reinvention of itself to fit all necessary demographics.  I am taking suggestions so please make a comment, and always, remember to Dream it! Do it! Danigirl! and Follow through!


See you next quarter, as I hope to hear about how fiercely and boldly you took on 2020! Pyros and Fireworks Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love First always,


Dream it! Do it! Danigirl!

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