#2020ish - HOBBS Wisdom;) April, May and here we are June!!!!!!! JUNETEENTH!!!! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!

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#2020ish - HOBBS Wisdom;) April, May and here we are June!!!!!!! JUNETEENTH!!!! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!

#2020ish - HOBBS Wisdom;) April, May and here we are June!!!!!!! JUNETEENTH!!!! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!  Time for another blog, and at perfect timing too. So much has happened that has affected us all, and challenged us to look at ourselves in the mirror. OWN who you really are, and RISE UP, like we always do!

You know when my father was alive during these times, he would say something like, "God is up to something. It's like He is showing us the Dust swept under the carpet that we can't ignore anymore.  We must do something about it."     True indeed, and interestingly enough, it also reminds me of when you cook certain dishes.  Sometimes when you cook soup or other dishes, to remove fat, bacteria, the seasoning or what is not supposed to be in the dish, will instantly rise up to the top, so that you can take it out and Chuck off the junk.  Like Cookin', it is time to do something about this, and sift the weeds from the wheat.

NO, this is not gonna be one of those blogs where I talk about protesting, Juneteenth, and the things that we are changing in America today. We all know their names, and we all know the fighting protests, and the invisible monsters that we're fighting against. However, what I believe we need to do is continue to intelligently celebrate each other.   I don’t mean celebration as in let’s just go have a party and get wasted. I mean celebrating in the sense that, I see the best in you and I want to pull that out.  You see the best in me and you want to pull that out ,and together we can protest using our best foot forward not our angry foot.  Yes are angry, but we are also wise. Actually I should probably use the word "HONOR," instead of celebration because celebrating kind of thing makes me think of, "The Odyssey." That part when the soldiers went and celebrated, got drunk and killed the calfs, except for one guy.  Because of his discipline, he was the only one that was able to withstand the not getting consumed by the deadly sirens.  The deadly sirens were witches that were great singers, but then they would pull away into isolation and eat you after you come under their spell of their singing.  So yes, we must show HONOR to the best in all of us.

I’ve never read, whether it was the Bible or the Art of War, where soldiers won fighting tired. Therefore, we must not allow ourselves to get weary in good doing in all of these issues COVID19, social justice, graduations, educational, global literacy things.  Even if you’re an entertainer you must not be weary in doing good work;-)

So, I hope that in this season even if, you don’t feel 100% that you will surrender and allow God to give you your season of knowing at least who you are, how you fight, and mostly, how you Vote and Navigate to the next level. Please don’t give up on the ancestors that paid their life for you. Like a great singer Rickie Beckwith sings, "Let’s Rise Up and Move in the Right Way."

It’s Father’s Day and most of us are going to have our heads held up high looking at our Fathers. Some of us are going to shed a tear because we probably lost our father, like George Floyd. Some of us are not going to shed a tear. Some of us are going to cook for our fathers, breakfast or go to a buffet of sorts. Some of us are going to go to a grave site where our father was buried. Some of us may not know our father, so we’ll go to a mentor's houses or a Bishop or Religious Spiritual father. Last but not least, some of us like me, usually go to the beach, for that is where I spread my father‘s ashes.

Now, I usually like to keep my blogs pretty trendy, light, Intelligent and fun, and mostly, meaningful. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Ready?!?!

I really got this Dream it! Do it! Danigirl! as a slogan from my dad.

One time when my father was alive he said to me, "I always know what you’re doing because I will dream about it."  This was when I was living it up in NYC. However when he died in 2003, I started to have dreams of my own.  In some of these dreams I would wake up at three in the morning and write children’s books. Other times, I would wake up and write songs like the one I I wrote for him and my sister Karen. However, the real dream was never when I was asleep.  In truth, my father always drilled in me certain advice.  Things like,”Your Hobbs you don’t come for mediocrity you come from good stock.” Now at age eight years old I had no idea with mediocrity meant. I mean what child does? I just knew, that I was a kid, that wanted to be liked and that I wanted people to be my friend. I still to this day, find it challenging as a grown woman to  understand why people can’t share their brilliance together. I was hoping because of COVID-19 that everyone would be able to go back to their selves and really become aware of what really matters. What is your value system really based on? And if your value system is based on you not living a great life, and being a jerk to others, why would you settle for that? This question I would ask my father all the time.  He would always answer with another truth, “Danielle, those people are on your level, water seeks its own level.”    And of course, I would look at him like he was crazy.  I mean,  I’m 8years old thinking about water seeking something, looks like a science project to me. Like I would take out a bunch of different glasses and then pour water into each glass and see if each one would identically balanced out.  For at that age, you take things quite literally. Now as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to realize that water does seek its own level. Furthermore, I have learned in myself, that I am on some out the water, Elon musk type of thing and I would like to find my level people!!!! LOL!  Made you laugh!

In truth, I hope that you guys all spread love to whoever your father is.   If you father is not alive, you can at least honor your mentors that have guided you, and have helped you to achieve what you ultimately want in life. Or maybe it’s a big brother or an uncle that has posed as a father, please honor them.

This Father’s Day! I really think it’s so important in these times that men recognize, that to call you our father means that you have imprinted the most strength that a child could possibly have in inside of us.  Mothers are the nurturers and our Father’s are our strength. Please empower your sons and daughters.  So we can grow up and know who and what we are. That anything is possible. Now If you need a father you always have to just look at God. He is our ultimate Father.

I don’t know what else really to blog about, except that I am thankful that my father raised me to be nothing less than exceptional. He Blessed me with so much talent.  He raised me to be nothing less than Great, a Divine Overachiever, and to be the best of anything because he knew I was capable of it.  He spoke life over me, and my dreams and goals. So instead of imprinting discouragement in my mind, he brought me up to know that I could do anything and to make a difference, while doing it, would be most powerful.

So Dream it! Do it! Danigirl! Happy Father's Day! Happy Juneteenth!

Please support black owned businesses. Just as the whole world has been supporting our inventions, our music, our trends, like Hip-Hop and that’s the truth. To my other black soul sisters and brothers, please let's support each other and not just for Juneteenth, because we have never failed when we’ve been together. They only get us when we’re alone and they’re able to separate us that’s always been the play. So let’s support each other and let’s keep on doing what we’re doing on our level, in our lane whether it’s opening up a School l, writing that next great song that will be timeless like “We are the World,"or whatever it is you do Happy Father’s Day and may you have the brilliance of Hobbs Wisdom instilled in you. Dream it! Do it! Danigirl!

That's All Folks!!!!! June 2020 blog: Thank for your support.  May you buy a yoga T-shirt Josephine Baker, Selena,  Celia Cruz and soon to come Bessie Coleman mugs and T-shirts.  I’ve always love Bessie Coleman. She never took no for an answer, the first Black  aviator to get a pilot license in 1921 in France, just like Josephine Baker. She was an acrobat pilot!

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