We Shall Overcome!! Therefore Let’s Celebrate The Legacy and Birthday to Dr. Maya Angelou! April 4;-)

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We Shall Overcome!! Therefore Let’s Celebrate The Legacy and Birthday to Dr. Maya Angelou! April 4;-)

#501c3, #American, #ATTSHAPE, #Beachfund, #BlackHistoryMonth, #CalStateLongBeach, #diddy, #DrMayaAngelou, #Education, #Entertainment, #MichelleObama, #MusicCenter, #NONProfits, #Oprah, #PerformingArts, #RussellSimmons, #Scholarship, #Shakira, #SpotligthAwards, #VentureCapital, #Writers, AbunDANCE, Abundancemindset, actors, agapa, Belgium, Blog, Brazil, children's book, Children's book Publishers, creators, Dance, Dance Converntions, Dance Lecturer, Dance Master Classes, Daniel, danielle, Dreamitdoit, Dreamt do it danigirl, Dubai, Earth Day, Earth Song, February, Feburary, Global literacy, Green, inspiration, inspirational gifts, Janet Jackson, josephine baker, leadership, love, love gifts, Master Classes, Metamorphesis, Michael Jackson, motivation, mugs, music, performers, performing arts, Presidents day, Puerto Rico, singers, Traveling Dance Master, unity, Valentine day, VAPA, Webisodes, wisdom

We Shall Overcome!! Therefore Let’s Celebrate The Legacy and Birthday to Dr. Maya Angelou! April 4;-)


I really didn’t have any quarterly blog this season for Ms.Rono tried to blind my path;  But then I realized I did have a reason to Celebrate! Yes! We Shall Overcome, therefore, Let’s Celebrate the Legacy and Birthday of Dr.Maya Angelou!!  Many of you all do not know this, but it was, “The Talk,” she gave at UCLA in 2013 that got me to go back to school and get my Masters in Education, so I could teach Dance at the College Level.  I have always been multi-talented and have immensely struggled to find my tribe and place in it all.  Mainly because God blessed me with so much talent and intelligence, that the rest of the world either had one of two phrases for many years of my life, “Danielle, pick one for you look all over the place,” or, “ Danielle, you have too much energy for me.”   The truth is, when I heard about this woman defined as a Renaissance woman, who has wiped even Oprah Winfrey’s tears with words that heal, I learned that, Yes you can have it all, Just not at the same time.


Most certainly, out of fear of never working again  in the Performing Arts and Showbiz-ness for going back to school, which was a stronghold placed in my head, from one friend telling me that.  When Dr. Angelou spoke about singing in front of Billie Holiday, and she told her your greatness is already bestowed on you, to teaching and even writing tv shows with Richard Pryor and songs for other artists.  I thought to myself, I can go back to school, In fact, I can do anything and everything I have always dreamed of. Dream it! Do it! Danigirl!


And so I did, and then I did work again, while working on my Masters I went on Tour with CirqueDuSoleil doing MIchael Jackson Immortal, which was another first for me because for many years no one would take me on a tour. I was always too fat or just too much of something that didn’t even matter.  Graciously, I was thrilled to let her be my influence moving me from thinking in the not enough to more then enough,  and it’s ok to be a Powerful, Beautiful, Bountiful Black Woman.  However, I learned why I valued this woman so much.  Her value system was identical to my family’s. Fabulously God Fearing, Prayer Warrior, Talented, Beautiful and Intellectual. That is my Family Tree of Values and walking in Love and grace.


I could go On and On about the influence Dr.Maya Angelou has even had on my understanding the chapters of life. When I watch, “Still I Rise,” on Netflix, I realize, This woman had to have been my Aunts, but which one. I know Aunt Anne.  Oh! Aunt Anne could always tell you a great story about the many chapters life has, as well as, tell you when it’s time to write another chapter.  Aunt Anne would say, “It’s ok, let that chapter end like this, and write a better narrative, You know you always can.  And when you want to go back to that chapter for review, just remember it is only for review, that chapter is over now.”  That’s Aunt Anne.;-).

Because life can be long or life can be short, but But Life Must Always Be Lived.;-) NEVER stay is a bad chapter for too long. Know how to move on.


And therefore for this my Spring Quarter blog. I am Grateful to honoring one of my SHEroes, That has passed me more torches from God that I can say.  Sometimes I feel like an ANGELou comes down from heaven and says, “Here, now you do this,  cause you can handle this.  You go teach and then write this song, or you write his short film and meanwhile leave the hardware stuff to God.”  From DreamitDoitDanigirl! Children’s books, poems, Singing, Songwriting, Performing, Choreographing, to teaching and a Toastmasters Speech giving, and never giving up on the Arts and the Intellectually evolved.   

During these dark times, Let’s Celebrate The Legacy left For those of us Wise enough to grab it, Dr.Maya Angelou!!!!!!!!!


“And say simply, very simply, with Hope, Good Morning” - Inauguration Poem for Bill Clinton, “The Pulse of Morning”


Love and Light,


Danielle Hobbs

Dream it! Do it! Danigirl!


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